
Hey guys, today's the first day of RMT event, our class are doing on Happy Feet. I guess not many pple know wtf is tht but it's a non-profit organization, but there are no kind souls in the fking school, they think we wna cheat off their dirty money. _l_ Kinda pity my dog cause evryone is crowding around her, and i rly hate those dog lovers who claim tht they are, knn love dogs but just refuse to pay $2 just to take a photo. Evryone just "omg the dog so cute" touchtouchtouch, then just ok byebye. Anw, it was rly tiring today, altho i didn't do much but i was taking care of my dog like full attention and evrythg. Hahah. Kinda nice to know tht there are actually so many people who love dogs and have dogs as well. Altho i rly don't like some hypocrites who come and touch my dog when I'm not around thinking tht i won't know. Bloody dirty hands, i wish i could train my dog who to bite, i make sure tht bitch's eyes will be dig out by my dog. Okay i gtg, do some shitz first and have my evening nap. I like.
We'll let our heart beat guide us through the dark.
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