Fked up

Fk, i lost my thumbdrive in the sch and no kind soul actually return or whatever, so sry about the keychain babe. Anw went to sch for a proj consultation, it was rly a shock but nvm, ate lunch at bizpark and went to see a doctor in the afternoon. Reached home and that's it, drop dead on my bed. Fking tired i swear. There's class quiz tmr, like wtf idk why this subject the teacher love to give random tests, and have to do up a checklist by tmr. Zzz i feel fking fked up, like srsly i wna murder somebody. This weekend I'm gna bloody hell enjoy it better than any weekends, sleep like fk. Hahah. I need fooodddddddddddddd.
I'll nvr forget the gentle look in yur eyes.
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