Friday, June 11, 2010

I bleed my heart out just for you

Why the thought of turning lesbian? Why the thought of being single? Because being in a BoyGirl r/s is just so fucked up. It just screw all of your fucking emotions into something insane.
It's been so long since i lose faith in love. It's been so long since I've been a playboy. It's been so long since I've break someone's heart. Kinda miss the feeling.
Sometimes, i feel really thankful to have some people in my life. I guess those people should know who they are. (:
I'm sure that this emotional feelings running inside of me is definitely not part of my period's side effects.
Nobody's life is perfect, neither is mine.
Sometimes when you feel like sitting at some corner, and cry your heart out but the tears aren't coming out. Is it cause you're not upset enough? No. It's cause your heart has became numb.
Sometimes i wish for some things that are not exactly impossible, but wish for some things that are not within my control.
Love is the start of a sin, love is the start of cruelty. Love is what you seek for enjoyment. So what's the point of being so serious in love? What's the point of holding onto the love you're having? Many people may seem happy on the surface but deep down inside, no one can ever imagine what the person is going through.
When a young teenager starts to grow faster and more mature than what normal teenager should, they experience many things that no one would ever wanna experience.

People say I'm always talking cock, always cheerful always saying lots of nonsense that makes people laugh and smile. Always entertaining others, trying my best to make them forget the troubles they have and always looking on the bright side. But when i get back home, locked myself in my room, what's left is a quiet, emo and painful me.
Sometimes it's really tiring to put on a smile 24/7, really tiring to put on a smile on others too.

Sometimes, i will also hope that there is this someone out there trying real hard to put on a smile in my heart. When all you want is for things to be real simple, but what gives you is something way way more than complicated.
How nice to be a small little kid, when you play real hard in the day and got real tired at night. After one good night sleep, you wake up with no troubles on your mind.

How i wish i could be selfish for once, and not come into this world.


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