Always will

Srsly I'm starting to feel that talking things out doesn't rly work effectively, because afterall actions have to be done in order to prove your words, right? (:
I'm not rly upset and all although some emotions can't rly be controlled, but I've matured. I know that being rash, being too impulsive might not be the key to evrything, it might just even make things much worse than you can ever imagine. Okay today did proj at raffles for just 1hour plus because the rest of the 1hour plus is having lunch @ mac. Wheeeee awesome. It's been so long since I've eaten mac. After that just went home and was soooo bored. Gna continue doing proj tmr in school again and meeting Rac for dinner. :D No r/s is perfect, there's no point in finding some r/s which doesn't exists any lies, hidings, disappointments again and again, trust being thrown and built all over again, cryings, laughings, and many many more shitz. But i guess all these are what makes up a rly real r/s huh.
I wna last long, i wna do the best i could for this, i wna try my might to be the best gf and evrythg but it's just stupid i realized. Feel so stupid keep thinking for the person, being so nice and all, keep trying to make things work and happen when it obviously couldn't base on my solo efforts. Humans are all selfish, and i guess i just didn't wna try to be human, oh wellz, now I'm gna try to be one.
Sometimes I'm rly lost, where are you?
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