I'm changing, cause i love you so much

Today wasn't so bad, i did like half of IMR individual journal cause by the time i woke up almost half the day is gone. Hahah. Anyw, met babe and his friends at tamp today. Had dinner and walked around aimlessly. Srsly, had totally nothing to do till we had to sit down at macdonald, watching world cup and people cheering at each goals. They left early, and i went to meet Sab to chillax for awhile. It was nice, rly. Reached home and wash up all. Feels kinda wasted missing the portugal match. Damn. But anw, I'm feeling a little pissed over this whole world cup fever.
Things are getting a little over and it's really pissing me off, like srsly.
Was walking at tamp when we saw starhub customer service was showing world cup live, so we stood there less than a minute figuring if it was really live. Just when we were about to walk off, we got sarcastically scolded by some uncle. He was rly rude i swear, and it's not as if we stood there for mins, it was less than a min. Fucker.
I'm also sick and tired of all the bettings, hearing people betting this and that, how much and all. Seeing everyone bringing their laptop just to bet and all. Okay maybe the laptop is not for tht purpose but whatever!
Fuck off.
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