Friday, May 9, 2008


The pom lecturer very attitude know. LOL. Okay, not really her fault, but we were really damn bored, cause she's VERY boring ! So we talked really a lot during the lecture and then we like laughed damn loudly. So sometimes she "TRIED" to crack some jokes but it didn't work. Me and Sabrina was like saying that it's not funny. LOL. Then we draw draw, laugh laugh. Until the lecturer said ended alrdy, meaning she attitude laaa. LOL. In the end she continued , then blahblahblah. Lecture ended ! WOOOO. But we got this bonding thing. So we went to another lecture room for the bonding thing. Got games and other stuff. Something like IG stuff. KENA SABO ! kns. Sabrina and Beth was like beverley la beverley. Then anabel and jinmay also followed beverley. Zzzzz. Then kena alrdy. Like wth right !? T.T

Then ended before 1pm la actually, but we took pictures and go crazy so like, going 1pm alrdy. So they provided SOME food la. LOL. We all ate outside, then Sabrina went off to meet her BF. Hahaha. Then after that waited for Ali they all. Ate lunch with Weimin Jewel and Weimin's classmate. LOL. Weimin keep talking about girls, tsktsktsk. LOL. Then ali they all went to play soccer so i meet anabel dey all. Then we had touch rug trial. Saw jac n rachel . (:
After that dar came to fetch me, so nice right. (:(:
Was damn tired, we ate dinner at home.
Blahblahblah, computer. Then i did the POM hw, and i fell aslp unknowingly.

That is why, this morning my alarm didn't ring ! In fact, i didn't put any alarm, but dar's alarm didn't ring. So like, i woke up first, then i saw the sun shining so brightly, i was like !!! DAR wake up !!! are we late ?! So he said yah we are late... So i'm like zzzzz. !@#@$^!#^ yah. HAHAHA. Then msged Anabel told her that I'm not going to school alrdy. HAHA.
So we met them at Sakae sushi, we went to take MC first la, walao damn exaggerating la, she took my temperature, my pressure, checked my vision and my neck. i dnknw what the hell she's trying to do, but she said i have a slight fever, dnknw true not. LOL. Lalalala
So me and dardar walked around in CS and TM. Bought some stuffs. (:(: Very very happy.

Thanks darling ! For treating me sushi, buying me all these stuffs. I love you !! Very happy okay. Hahaha.


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