Monday, December 14, 2009

Love drinking

She becoming more and more crazy. LOL
I love this photo! Haha

Playing the game - Knots. LOL

Cuzzie & bestie. (:

Imitating someone if you all can guess who's that someone he's imitating. LOL


I love this sweets. :D Love it love it love it ttm srsly. Hahah.

Lazy to update in details
Weekend was (Y). Drank before Sab went off. Shiokkkkkkkxzcz. & i miss her alrdy!
Jorene's birthday wasn't THAT bad afterall. Haha at least babe kept me entertained by chatting w a 7 yr old boy and their conv just made me laugh so much. Hahaha. But one thing bad was that we have to walk ALL THE WAY in just to get to the BBQ pit. So frustrating.
We had sushi also instead of kuishinbo cause it was closed. ):
Saturday went out w Daniel & Kandis. Nothing much and i can say it's super super boring. How i wished it was Sab instead. >.<>
& that's my weekends. ;)
How i wish my life is just a very very simple and easy one. When i just shout for money, $500 will just drop right in front of me so i don't have to work my guts off. Everytime the thought of work comes into my mind my mood just Zzzzzzz. I can't understand how my mum is able to love her job so much. Yucks. That's disgusting.
& when i just came home, she started nagging and nagging again.
I think it's kinda obvious now that whenever she nags, it just got to do with $$$.
She forever buay sian talking about $$$.


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