I'm overboard and i need your love to pull me up

It's damn nice to have neighbour who stays like a level below you and who smokes as well. Fking cool i swear. Hahah. I'll feel better, I'll be strong enough. This time, i refuse to turn back, i refuse to accept things to be same again. Went for school ytd and it was like shitz i swear. My CDS is totally fked up, i have re-draw and assignments to hand up for the next 3 weeks. Sounds like a lot time but there are other projs on hand. _l_ Thanks guys who have been there, coincidentally when i needed someone. It is rly heartwarming, to know tht I'm never alone. I guess you're just unnecessary. Feels damn sick ytd and today, my head is spinning all the time like srsly. Couldn't vomit ytd night but feels better now. I know tht evry guy is gna give me the same shitz in evry r/s, but i truly believe one day there'll be a guy who is able to give me the happiness tht i deserve. Because i know some who are capable of these, but sadly there's no feelings. I rly miss jon a lot, i shldn't have throw him away and took him for granted. I'm rly sorry, i know tht he won't be able to see this but it's rly coming from the bottom of my heart, if there's any chance to mend things up I'll definitely do it. Gna see the doctor and most probably lepak w friends ltr. I wna watch despicable me so badly! Tsk. I srsly dnknw how to catch those feelings back again. Ok, gna go rest now. Bye, this is for the love.
I feel so numb, evrythg's so fake.
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